Somaliland Community Action Network ( SCAN )
+252 63 4402489


14 Jun
Huluuq Dam desalting and rehabilitation of the project implementatio

Huluuq Dam desalting and rehabilitation of the project implementation for the period from December 2022 – May 2023. The project provides a valuable contribution to the water restoring water dam rehabilitation in Huluuq Village, way towards it purposely addresses all of the sectors of society, i.e. the drink water community and their livestock, Irrigation farms;...

14 Jun
General Food Distribution Program First round Post Distribution.

SCAN collaborated with WFP distribution for April, 2023. The food assistance was and is being carried out in nine main operational areas, namely Qururuxley, Booclay, Xunbo-weyne, Biyo-shiine, Gunbur-Sheikh Doon, Burcada Dararwayne, Jaleelo and Balayga-Cad. Over 1822 individual beneficiaries have received their rations in the last distribution round, i.e, in the first round. The target groups...

22 Mar
Monitoring and Supervision Report

We visit intervention areas happen livelihood project in Somaliland was continuingactivities about rehabilitation dams, soil bunds and contours. This mission was related monitoringand supervision in Maroodi-jeex region livelihood activities the main target on to ensure activitieson going there.Mission was started at Maroodi-jeex region in different villages such Caabudla, Huluuq, Agamsaand Boodhlay.Maroodi-jeex is one of the...

22 Nov
Rehabilitated Two water catchments 49.7m*49.4m*2m  and 28,308 soil bunds

Livelihood activities project  in Gabiley District  Somaliland Introduction Water is essential for sustaining life and access to drinking water is a fundamental need anda human right, vital for health and well-being. The health and economic benefits of improvedwater supplies to households and individuals (especially women, children and older people)are well documented, particularly if the target...

26 Sep

Boodhley, Biyomacan, Huluuq, Cabudla, carayaanbo , Agamsaha, Abaarso , Guul-alla, Balayga cas, Beeyo baxday , Horohaadley, Ilinta-qoryaale  villages in Golis/Guban livelihood zone. The main source of livelihood in this area is agricultural and agro postural, most of the farms are rain fed. The recurrent drought and poor pasture management has led to shortage of pasture...

24 Apr
Livelihood: Implementation of soil bunds at Huluuq

Why soil bunds are important for saving soil and conserving water moisture? People at Huluuq are endangered by extreme drought and as well floods, every time they struggle both rainy seasons and dry season due to the community’s economic weakness.   Of course, it is a rich soil fertile area. It has a lot of farms,...

24 Apr
How SCAN LNGO working with WFP are making huge impact in Somaliland

For the past 3 decades, Somaliland has been struggling, politically, socio-economy, environmentally and socially to make impact within their development. the struggle started from when Somaliland regained its independence from Somalia, which they emerged at the year of 1960. After years of steady development, peace and stability the country is still not strong economically, people...

monitoring food assistance
12 Mar
Monitoring Food Assistance distribution at Maroodi-Jeex region

Food for asset extension has been going on several villages at Maroodijeex region. SCAN monitored the ongoing activity of food distribution that retailers are unloading at these villages. beneficiaries have been ready to receive the assistance in this critical time. the climate is so extremely drought, lot of livestock has been hit by the lack...

premier bank
7 Mar
Resilience project extension at these villages

Under severe drought and locust outbreak that hit the semi-arid areas under maroodi jeeg regions. people at these places has been exposed to malnutrition and hungry which caused displacement of households and death of both human and livestock they needed resilience initiatives. The locust has ate all of their crops if they were farmers and...

22 Nov
Relief Project continuous: food assistance registration at Gaboobe.

Relief project emergency to respond for the locust outbreak, drought and covid19 pandemics has been going on around Somalia/Somaliland for past 3 years, luckily, it was WFP again standing and ready to save lives as it always does. Moreover, SCAN has been working with WFP for many years for emergencies responds. Food-assistance project has started...