Somaliland Community Action Network ( SCAN )
+252 63 4402489

Livelihood: Implementation of soil bunds at Huluuq

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Relief Projects
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Why soil bunds are important for saving soil and conserving water moisture?

People at Huluuq are endangered by extreme drought and as well floods, every time they struggle both rainy seasons and dry season due to the community’s economic weakness.  

Of course, it is a rich soil fertile area. It has a lot of farms, a stream, and nearby water wells. The area has more than hundreds of farms that produced a lot of crops during the harvesting era. Yet the area suffers more due to the extreme droughts that have affected the area for the past 10 years.

soil bunds

The area has experienced a huge prelonging drought that has destroyed both the life of the environment, human beings, and wild animals.

The drought has also reached to the destruction of fertile soil where it has weakened and made it vulnerable to winds and human-made erosion.

After all, the community of huluuq and their leaders have reached out to SCAN-LNGO for assistance in the saving of the fertile soil and making a strong solution to end or minimize the soil destruction so that the soil is saved.

The Organization has then come up with its assistance seeking partnership and donations from the World Food Programme, with which it has a close working relationship.

The organization and the donor have come up with an initiative called soil buns to reinforce the soils’ resilience to the floods, droughts and winds that take up the upper fertile soils. The organization working with the community, donors, and other stakeholders, has successfully implemented this project, which will save a lot of fertile soils due to extreme winds, floods and human-made erosions.

soil bunds

The project has many benefits for the community consisting of pre and post advantages. the project is livelihood which means that the labor of the soil bunds are being paid due to their effort and construction of the soil bunds. About 261 families are benefiting from this project’s implementation. The families are being paid by food for assets for their labor work. Which equivalent means $75 dollars per family to buy food for their families.

The project has more benefits than simply constructing soil bunds. it connects communities, it shows them that collective effort produces outstanding results that can enhance their development regarding social advancements

Here are the list of the advantages of the soil bunds for Hulluuq village.

  1. water moisture conversions
  2. reduces soil lost
  3. reduces seeds lost
  4. reduces crop flood destruction
  5. Prevent flood destruction to crops
  6. behaves like water catchment
  7. catches fertile soils from runoff . and so on.

Here is the kind of soil bunds that SCAN-LNGO has implemented in Hulluuq Village.
The soil bunds consist of are 12m long, 1.5m height, and 2m wide soil bund per area, which equals a number of 20 soil bunds is being constructed at these areas. These bunds will behave as a shelter for the soil so it might not wash off and drain with the rainy runoffs.

Hulluuq is not one of the villages that SCAN-LNGO is implementing these kinds of projects but a lot of other several village around maroodi-jeex is being implementing a series of benefitable projects to support the local and prepare them to withstand any hardship and adversity that might come along in the upcoming years.