Somaliland Community Action Network (SCAN) partner with WFP conducted the distribution of essential farm to farmers in four villages Agamsaha, Arabsiyo, Biyo-macaan and Huluuq Villages. The event, aimed at enhancing agricultural increasing productivity and income families, provided 100 beneficiaries with the following: * Farm input: wheel barrow, Hoe, Mattock, shovel and measuring tape 5m. The...
The objective of this project was to help the livelihood of the resilience of Boodhley, Beeyo-liban, Biyo-macan, Huluuq and Caroyaanbo to overcome shocks the caused by prolong droughts through Food Assistance for Assets program The project activities are soil bunds for the all five villages for the first six months of the project.. The soil...
The Somaliland Community Action Network (SCAN) project, designed to support and empower small-scale farmers from low-income communities in Biyo-macaan, Huluuq, Arabsiyo, and Agamsaha, is making significant strides in promoting climate-smart crop farming. This initiative comes at a critical time, following the severe drought and the destruction caused by El Nino rains. A total of 100...
For the past 3 decades, Somaliland has been struggling, politically, socio-economy, environmentally and socially to make impact within their development. the struggle started from when Somaliland regained its independence from Somalia, which they emerged at the year of 1960. After years of steady development, peace and stability the country is still not strong economically, people...
Under severe drought and locust outbreak that hit the semi-arid areas under maroodi jeeg regions. people at these places has been exposed to malnutrition and hungry which caused displacement of households and death of both human and livestock they needed resilience initiatives. The locust has ate all of their crops if they were farmers and...
Boodhley, Biyomacan, Huluuq, Cabudla, carayaanbo , Agamsaha, Abaarso , Guul-alla, Balayga cas, Beeyo baxday , Horohaadley, Ilinta-qoryaale villages in Golis/Guban livelihood zone. The main source of livelihood in this area is agricultural and agro postural, most of the farms are rain fed. The recurrent drought and poor pasture management has led to shortage of pasture...
Scan Ngo engaged the community role models including Coordinator of Ministry of Agriculture and Development, Village Farmers, Univerities, research centres and village elders, in Boodhley village, Seeks and discus how to create new modern of innovation for increasing farm and livestovk productivity to reduce poverty and getting resilience livelihood incouraging food systems in the village....
SCAN conducted training on Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) and distributed agriculture hand tools with seeds for 100 beneficiaries in Arabsio, Agamsaha, Huluuq and biyo-macaan villages in Gabiley region. The project supported by WFP. SCAN In partnership with the Word Food Organization (WFP) distributed certified seeds and conducted Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) training for farmers in...
SCAN and WFP conducted a field visit to the small farmers’ Climate Smart project in Agamsaha district to assess the impact of the climate change agriculture initiative. The visit included engaging with farmers and observing their activities in the demonstration farm. After that Community Interaction happen and questions were posed to the community about their...
SCAN collaborated with WFP distribution for April, 2023. The food assistance was and is being carried out in nine main operational areas, namely Qururuxley, Booclay, Xunbo-weyne, Biyo-shiine, Gunbur-Sheikh Doon, Burcada Dararwayne, Jaleelo and Balayga-Cad. Over 1822 individual beneficiaries have received their rations in the last distribution round, i.e, in the first round. The target groups...