Somaliland Community Action Network ( SCAN )
+252 63 4402489


18 Jan
Capacity Building Training on Gender and Inclusion

On 16th January 2025, SCAN successfully conducted a Capacity Building Training on Gender and Inclusion for staff working on the Climate Smart Food System Project in the Gabiley Region of Somaliland. The training, held at the SCAN Meeting Hall in Hargeisa from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, aimed to enhance the participants’ ability to incorporate gender-sensitive approaches into their...

27 Mar
1982 HHs supported through Emergency Program and distribution from January 2024 up to March 2024

After a disaster happen and shortage of water in many areas of Somaliland, when people are cut off from their normal sources of food and cannot access enough food to meet their needs, WFP’s collaboration with local NGO SCAN distributed in-kind food assistance aims to fill the gap. This involves the distribution of a selection...

14 Jun
Huluuq Dam desalting and rehabilitation of the project implementatio

Huluuq Dam desalting and rehabilitation of the project implementation for the period from December 2022 – May 2023. The project provides a valuable contribution to the water restoring water dam rehabilitation in Huluuq Village, way towards it purposely addresses all of the sectors of society, i.e. the drink water community and their livestock, Irrigation farms;...

14 Jun
General Food Distribution Program First round Post Distribution.

SCAN collaborated with WFP distribution for April, 2023. The food assistance was and is being carried out in nine main operational areas, namely Qururuxley, Booclay, Xunbo-weyne, Biyo-shiine, Gunbur-Sheikh Doon, Burcada Dararwayne, Jaleelo and Balayga-Cad. Over 1822 individual beneficiaries have received their rations in the last distribution round, i.e, in the first round. The target groups...

22 Mar
Monitoring and Supervision Report

We visit intervention areas happen livelihood project in Somaliland was continuingactivities about rehabilitation dams, soil bunds and contours. This mission was related monitoringand supervision in Maroodi-jeex region livelihood activities the main target on to ensure activitieson going there.Mission was started at Maroodi-jeex region in different villages such Caabudla, Huluuq, Agamsaand Boodhlay.Maroodi-jeex is one of the...

Wfp somaliland
23 Sep
SCAN Somaliland food assistance registration program at Gubato.

in the sixth day of registration process on 14 august 2021, the work has started at Gubato, one of the hardest places to live for people with farms, this was the largest place that the locust outbreak has destroyed their crops within days. To address these challenges, WFP Somaliland has adopted a holistic approach that...

20 Aug
Scan Implemented Livelihood Project in Five villages : Aro-yanbo , Biyomacan , Beeyo-liban , Boodhley and Huluuq in Gabiley District funded by WFP ( March to July 2020 )

The objective of this project  was to help the livelihood of the resilience of Boodhley,  Beeyo-liban, Biyo-macan, Huluuq and Caroyaanbo to overcome shocks the caused by prolong droughts  through Food Assistance for Assets program The project activities are soil bunds for the all five villages for the first six months of the project.. The soil...