Our Feedback and Complaint Process:
We take great pride in our honesty, integrity, and high professional standards in all our services to communities we serve for and our workig relationship with local community groups. We commit to adhering to the nine commitments of the Core Humanitarian Standard on quality and accountability.
In line with our policy and code of conduct, we maintain a zero-tolerance stance against all forms of sexual exploitation. If you thing we fail living up to these commitments and values, you have every right to voice your concerns and submit a report to us. You can also reach out if you are dissatisfied with the support we provide, the behavior of our staff, or any other issue where you feel we could assist you.
Rest assured, making a report will not put you at risk of harm and all information will be kept confidential and will be shared only with your consent, and we will take all complaints seriously. Our programs department have established feedback and complaint procedures, which allow you to report issues either in-person, on-call or in writing. If you are unsure how to communicate a report, we have help-desk staff at all our activity centers, please ask any staff members or contact us via the provided email address and telephone. You can choose to remain anonymous, and your confidentiality will be respected.
For email reporting: feedback@scansom.org
For telephone reporting: +252-63-8090742
For in-person visits, please come to our office at: Sa’adadin Street, Ga’ma Dheere District
We will keep you updated at reasonable intervals regarding the progress of your report, including whether an investigation is necessary and what the outcomes are. If you feel unsatisfied with the progress of any investigation or how the situation has been handled, you may escalate the matter to our Executive Director, who will initiate a further investigation.