At 12 December, 2014 Somaliland Community Action Network (SCAN) Organization conducted 16 activity days aimed at raising awareness about violence against vulnerable groups in the Arabsiyo and Agamsaha districts. This 16 Days of Activities and various educational and interactive sessions were conducted to engage participants effectively. the target Audience and Community members, leaders, and stakeholders...
SCAN conducted training on Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) and distributed agriculture hand tools with seeds for 100 beneficiaries in Arabsio, Agamsaha, Huluuq and biyo-macaan villages in Gabiley region. The project supported by WFP. SCAN In partnership with the Word Food Organization (WFP) distributed certified seeds and conducted Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) training for farmers in...
Somaliland Community Action Network (SCAN) partner with WFP conducted the distribution of essential farm to farmers in four villages Agamsaha, Arabsiyo, Biyo-macaan and Huluuq Villages. The event, aimed at enhancing agricultural increasing productivity and income families, provided 100 beneficiaries with the following: * Farm input: wheel barrow, Hoe, Mattock, shovel and measuring tape 5m. The...
Somaliland Community Action Network (SCAN) partner with WFP has successfully installed a drip irrigation system for 40 small-scale farmers across several villages in Somaliland such Huluuq, Agamsaha, Biyo-Macaan and Arabsiyo. This intervention is part of SCAN’s broader initiative to support local farmers in overcoming water scarcity challenges and improving crop yield through efficient irrigation techniques....
The Somaliland Community Action Network (SCAN) project, designed to support and empower small-scale farmers from low-income communities in Biyo-macaan, Huluuq, Arabsiyo, and Agamsaha, is making significant strides in promoting climate-smart crop farming. This initiative comes at a critical time, following the severe drought and the destruction caused by El Nino rains. A total of 100...
The Somaliland Community Action Network (SCAN), in collaboration with the World Food Program (WFP), is conducting General Food Distribution (GFD) to address the urgent food needs of disaster-affected populations. The GFD for September 2024 is currently ongoing in the Laasgeel, Daruslam, and Abaarso districts within the Maroodi-jeex Region. This program provides essential food rations to...
Somaliland Community Acrion Network (SCAN) and World Food Program (WFP) doing workshop three days for Regenerative agriculture: A way of farming that nurtures and restores soil health, reduces water use, prevents land degradation, and promotes biodiversity. The regenerative agriculture and soil conservation training aimed to enhance the technical skills of participants in soil and...
From 2019 until 2024 Somaliland Community Action Network, implemented different projects in the village of Boodhley. These projects were funded by the WFP. The projects have the following main components: soil water conservation for (Soil Bunds), Locust Intervention, Fruit and Vegetable distribution, Dum rehabilitation and relief projects for family ration. The body is formed 100MX100M...
After a disaster happen and shortage of water in many areas of Somaliland, when people are cut off from their normal sources of food and cannot access enough food to meet their needs, WFP’s collaboration with local NGO SCAN distributed in-kind food assistance aims to fill the gap. This involves the distribution of a selection...
Scan Ngo engaged the community role models including Coordinator of Ministry of Agriculture and Development, Village Farmers, Univerities, research centres and village elders, in Boodhley village, Seeks and discus how to create new modern of innovation for increasing farm and livestovk productivity to reduce poverty and getting resilience livelihood incouraging food systems in the village....