Somaliland Community Action Network ( SCAN )
+252 63 4402489

We visit intervention areas happen livelihood project in Somaliland was continuing
activities about rehabilitation dams, soil bunds and contours. This mission was related monitoring
and supervision in Maroodi-jeex region livelihood activities the main target on to ensure activities
on going there.
Mission was started at Maroodi-jeex region in different villages such Caabudla, Huluuq, Agamsa
and Boodhlay.
Maroodi-jeex is one of the farming regions in Somaliland where crop production is a major source
of income for the people and it is one of the agro-pastoral livelihood zones in Somaliland, where
arming and agricultural production are the predominant livelihood sources of water availability for
agriculture in the region is generally better compared to other regions in Somaliland.
Despite physical access challenges opposed by soil erosion happen their land conditions along its
mountainous valley big erosions terrains, Maroodi-Jeex is historically a peaceful region which
remains accessible to humanitarian organizations.
The availability of markets is also low for most settlements, and where available, long distances
hinder access to them. This makes marketing of farm and livestock products extremely difficult.
Activities Carry Out
First officially SCAN members and Ministry of Agricultures Officers started together, field areas,
near road and we met one of communities finish their activities of soil bunds at Caabdula village
near check point they welcomed us greatly after welcoming we sit together under the intervention
activities happen and opened the meeting one of the leader of community we see how they doing
soil bunds detail Duty Ministry of Agriculture and Development talked the purpose of meeting
and encouraged how they improve their land and kept soil bunds and keeping it in order to be
viable and we also gave them some detail about soil contours and how they kept conservation
instead of happen soil erosions.
The second activities on 2nd march we visited Boodhlay Community village and We discussed
many things about the Soil bunds especial for the farm soil erosion prevention. Also, we discussed
the aim of the project in general also I made observation and assessment all farmer activities and
soil bunds.

The second activities on 3
nd march we visited Huluuq Community village and We discussed many
things about the dam Rehabilitations especial for the farm soil erosion prevention. also, we
discussed the aim of the project in general also I made observation and assessment to the all-farmer
activities and soil bunds.
Last activities on 2nd march we visited Agamse Community village and We discussed many things
about the Soil bunds especial for the farm soil erosion prevention. Also, we discussed the aim of
the project in general also I made observation and assessment all farmer activities and soil bunds.

All participants from Vulnerable Community members those attached livelihood projects are
actively participated in the whole discussion process and well understood the important soil bunds
and conservation.
List Member
S/n Contact Occupation Title

  1. Adam Abdi Somaliland Community Action Network
  2. Abdikarim H. Ahmed Somaliland Community Action Network
  3. Faisal Dahir Somaliland Community Action Network
    Admin and
  4. Yurub Abiib Abdi Ministry of Agricultural Development of the
    Republic of Somaliland
    Deputy Ministry
  5. Abdirizak Shafi
    Ministry of Agricultural Development of the
    Republic of Somaliland
    Director of
    planning, statics
  6. Mawlid H. Abdi Ministry of Agricultural Development of the
    Director of Land
    and Water
  7. Amin Nuh Yonis Gabiley Governor Office and Administration Liaison btw
    Governor and
  8. Sugaal Hussein Arabsio Administration Head of Arabsio