Somaliland Community Action Network ( SCAN )
+252 63 4402489

Our objectives

Aims and objectives of the Organization:

SCAN is working towards achieving the following objectives for the benefit of its target group the poor, socially and economically deprived people.

  • To concertize and create awareness among the people of poorest of the poor on prevailing socio-economic situation and encourage them for active participation in socio-economic development program.
  • To undertake suitable projects and programs with special emphasis on social, economic and empowerments such as basic social services, Preservation of environment/Natural Resource Managements (NRM);
  • To undertake skill development training programs for society on handicraft, horticulture, , and livestock and assist them by giving them short term loan for creating sources of income by themselves.
  • To assist deserving poor people by means of giving them short term loan for creating income generating.
  • To establish manageable Training Center for Community Development Training for various level of people.
  • Protection and preservation of degaraded natural resourece base as well as currently climate change challenges;
  • To print or publish periodical magazines, books, pamphlets, leaflets or booklets that the SCAN may considered desirable or helpful in the promotion of its objects.
  • To co-operate and assist in suitable joint venture with the governmental Organizations and agencies seeking the goal of redressing poverty and improving economic and social status of common people or relief and rehabilitation at the time of any disaster.
  • To plan and execute Development, Relief and Rehabilitation programs within the terms of objects of the SCAN. And do all such other things as may be benefit for the community. .
  • Women and youth empowerment organizing, mobilizing, developing capacity and skills and creating provision of inclusion in decision making process in family and community enabling them to become economically and socially independent.
  • Protection and preservation of culture, language and tradition of tribal indigenous people.
  • To seek and receive subscriptions, donations and other supports from persons, institutions or Organizations both from home and abroad and use the same for the purposes of the Organization; however for receiving and utilizing any foreign donation or contributions, or support the organization shall abide by all provisions laid down in the in the each program.